
FoldersJS by


FoldersJS is a collection of projects presenting services as folders.

Folders are a metaphor for data access.

Folders have a name, a list of other items and a common set of properties.

When a folder is accessed a list of items and properties become viewable.

A folder tree is an organizational concept.

There are many computing activities that present folder-like qualities. FoldersJS provides a folders abstraction atop more complicated interfaces.

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FoldersJS provides a software toolkit for client, server and peering relationships using a common set of features.


Folders are containers with a name and set of properties that can be opened to list further sub-folders and files. The standards in web browsers are still evolving, relating to Files and File Systems. In the alpha version of this software, all files present a file type and content type. With the HTML5 standard, a file could be considered a Blob.


Client commands

Client attributes

Client utilities


Best Practices

Folders packages should follow these practices:

Peering Protocols

Folders modules will often include full client and server sets for accessibility across existing software.

A proof of concept for peering is included in the main project

HTTP Server-Sent Events are a means of quickly sending and processing small amounts of data in web browsers.

tweetnacl is a well-known library used to box and unbox messages when transmitting over insecure channels.

folders-http provides a proof of concept for web browsers to interface with the full toolkit


Currently in alpha state, these projects explore compatibility with common services. This projects are included in the Folders CLI development toolkit.